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API Reference - itty-router

AutoRouter v5

A batteries-included version of Router, with included default behaviors, and additional fine-grained controls. While ~1kB, this includes withParams, json and error.

AutoRouter(options?: AutoRouterOptions): RouterType


NameType(s)Default ValueDescription
basestringPrefixes all routes with this string. For example, Router({ base: '/docs' }) would prefix all route matches with /docs.
before v5Array of RequestHandler[]An array of route handlers/middleware to execute on requests before any route-matching
catch v5ErrorHandlererrorA single error handler to catch any thrown error. This may be used to return a Response, log errors, etc. If thrown during the before stage or route-matching, the finally stage will still be applied after this catch. Conversely, if an error is thrown during the finally stage, this will still fire, but none of the finally stage handlers will be applied to it.
finally v5Array of ResponseHandler[]An array of response handlers to execute on any response after route-matching is complete
format v5ResponseHandlerjsonThe default formatter for unformatted responses. This may be replaced (e.g. with text) or set to a no-op () => {} to avoid formatting altogether.
missing v5RequestHandler() => error(404)The default 404 message. To prevent a 404, enter a no-op () => {}.
routes advancedArray of RouteEntry[]Array of manual routes for preloading
...other v4.1+anyAny other object attributes that don't conflict with methods will be embedded in the final Router object. This is useful for attaching additional information to the router for exporting. For example: Router({ port: 3001 }) could be used to control the port in a Bun setup.


import { AutoRouter } from 'itty-router'

const router = AutoRouter()

  .get('/json', () => ({ foo: 'bar', array: [1,2,3] }))
  .get('/params/:id', ({ id }) => id)

export default router


Creates a preflight middleware and corsify Response-handler. Used together, this handles both OPTIONS requests as well as appends the appropriate CORS headers to existing Responses.

cors(options?: CorsOptions) => { preflight, corsify }


import { AutoRouter, cors } from 'itty-router'

const { preflight, corsify } = cors()

const router = AutoRouter({
  before: [preflight],  // <-- put preflight upstream
  finally: [corsify],   // <-- put corsify downstream

export default router


Creates a response helper from a MIME-type (string), and optionally, a body-transform (function).

createResponse(mimeType: string, transform?: Function): ResponseHelper

For example, here's how we created the json helper:

import { createResponse } from 'itty-router'

export const json = createResponse('application/json', JSON.stringify)

json({ foo: 'bar' }) // creates JSON-formatted Response


Returns an error Response

error(code: number, body?: string | object): Response

error(error: Error | StatusError): Response

html v4.0+

Returns an HTML Response

html(string, options?: ResponseInit): Response

IttyRouter v5

IttyRouter(options?: IttyRouterOptions): RouterType


basestringPrefixes all routes with this string. For example, Router({ base: '/docs' }) would prefix all route matches with /docs.
routes advancedRouteEntry[]Array of manual routes for preloading
...otheranyAny other object attributes that don't conflict with methods will be embedded in the final Router object. This is useful for attaching additional information to the router for exporting. For example: Router({ port: 3001 }) could be used to control the port in a Bun setup.

jpeg v4.0+

Returns a JPEG Response

jpeg(data, options?: ResponseInit): Response


Returns a JSON Response

json(data, options?: ResponseInit): Response

png v4.0+

Returns a PNG Response

png(data, options?: ResponseInit): Response

Router updated in v5

The basic Router factory function.

Router(options?: RouterOptions): RouterType


NameType(s)Default ValueDescription
basestringPrefixes all routes with this string. For example, Router({ base: '/docs' }) would prefix all route matches with /docs.
before v5RequestHandler[][]An array of route handlers/middleware to execute on requests before any route-matching
catch v5ErrorHandlerA single error handler to catch any thrown error. This may be used to return a Response, log errors, etc. If thrown during the before stage or route-matching, the finally stage will still be applied after this catch. Conversely, if an error is thrown during the finally stage, this will still fire, but none of the finally stage handlers will be applied to it.
finally v5ResponseHandler[][]An array of response handlers to execute on any response after route-matching is complete
routes advancedRouteEntry[][]Array of manual routes for preloading
...other v4.1+anyAny other object attributes that don't conflict with methods will be embedded in the final Router object. This is useful for attaching additional information to the router for exporting. For example: Router({ port: 3001 }) could be used to control the port in a Bun setup.


import { Router, json, error, withParams } from 'itty-router'

const router = Router({
  before: [withParams],
  catch: error,
  finally: [json],

  .get('/json', () => ({ foo: 'bar', array: [1,2,3] }))
  .get('/params/:id', ({ id }) => id)

export default router

The router itself has essentially two properties:

  • The fetch method

    router.fetch(request: IRequest, ...args): Promise<any>

    The fetch function takes a request-like argument, returning a Promise. This will resolve to anything returned from a matching route, or nothing at all (if no route returns).

  • The route registers

    router[method: string](route: string, ...handlers): Router

    Any other property accessed off the router object maps to the corresponding uppercase HTTP method (even non-standard ones), returning a function that takes a path (string) and any number of handlers/middleware, and returns the router again (for optional declaration chaining).

    The one notable exception to this is the .all() channel, which matches to any HTTP method (similar to .use() in many other routers).

    import { Router, error, withParams } from 'itty-router'
    import { todos } from './fake-todo-service'
    // define a router
    const router = Router()
      // this route will match *any* HTTP method, e.g. POST, PUT, GET
        ({ method }) => `Accessed via the ${method} HTTP method`
      // GET todos list or single todo
      .get('/todos/:id?', withParams, 
        ({ id }) => id
                    ? (todos.getTodo(id) || error(404))
                    : todos.list()
      // DELETE todo
      .delete('/todos/:id', withParams, 
        ({ id }) => todos.remove(id)


Returns a no-body response code.

status(code: number, options?: ResponseInit): Response

return status(204) // returns a 204, without a body


Extends Error, adding an HTTP status code to the constructor. Throwing this is identical to a standard Error, but allows downstream handlers to add context to the error Response.

StatusError(statusCode: number, message?: string): StatusError

throw new StatusError(400, 'Incorrect number of parameters')


Returns a text Response

text(data, options?: ResponseInit): Response

webp v4.0+

Returns a webp Response

webp(data, options?: ResponseInit): Response

withContent middleware updated in v4.2

If a request body is attached, this middleware attempts to parse it, embedding the results within the Request as request.content.

v4.2 -changes - withContent now attempts several parsing passes. The order of attempted parsing is JSON -> FormData -> text (fallback). Thus if sending JSON (and well-formed), request.content will be parsed as JSON, if sending FormData, request.content will be parsed as FormData, etc.

See example:

withContent(): void

import { Router, withContent } from 'itty-router'

const router = Router()

  .post('/foo', withContent, 
    ({ content }) => `Your bar is a ${}.`

// POST { bar: 'baz' } to /foo results in
// "Your bar is a baz."

withCookies middleware

Extracts cookies from the headers into a cookies object on the Request. See example:

withCookies(): void

import { Router, error, withCookies } from 'itty-router'

const router = Router()

  .get('/foo', withCookies, 
    ({ cookies }) => {
      if (!cookies.Authorization) {
        return error(401)

      // do something

withParams middleware

Extracts route params into the Request itself, for convenience. The example shows route params with and without this middleware. This becomes more useful with more route params, or when using withParams as a global upstream middleware, to avoid middleware duplication within each route.

withParams(): void

import { Router, error, withParams } from 'itty-router'

const router = Router()

  // accessing params from request.params
  .get('/:id', ({ params }) => `Your id is ${}`
  // access params directly from the request
  .get('/:id', withParams, ({ id }) => `Your id is ${id}`)

v4.x changes - withParams may finally be used as a global upstream middleware, saving the many boilerplatey injections throughout your routes. Hooray!