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Itty Concepts - itty-router

Itty does a few things very differently from other routers... let's get started.

We are tiny.

We believe less is more (our code + yours).

While other libraries may suffer from feature creep/bloat in order to please a wider audience, we painfully consider every single byte added to itty. Our router options range from ~450 bytes to ~970 bytes for a batteries-included version with built-in defaults, error handling, formatting, etc.

On top of that, the following concepts aim to keep YOUR code tiny (and readable) as well:

We have simpler handlers.

There's no (request, response, next) here. The only thing universal to every handler/middleware is a single request argument.

The rest is whatever you pass in to router.fetch(request, ...args). We'll get to that later.

The request is a context.

Want to send information to your next handler/route? Just add stuff to the request. That's perfectly OK.

const withUser = (request) => {
  request.user = new User('Halsey')

Handlers and middleware are the same thing.

In itty, a handler is any function passed to a route (you can have many). These handlers receive a request, and may or may not return anything. If it doesn't return anything, we call it "middleware", because the next handler automatically is called, and so on, until one of them returns.

Which leads us to...

The first thing returned is your response.

The first time any handler returns anything at all (other than undefined or null), that is the response value to your router.fetch() call, and all matching and handler-execution ends.

This can be anything at all (we intentionally don't enforce types on this).

We await every handler.

This means any handler can be sync or async - it's all the same to us.

Whatever you pass to router.fetch() goes to the handlers.

router.fetch(request, ...args) is an asynchronous function that takes a request and any additional arguments, then sends them to every matching route/handler.

Want to use your own context? Pass additional information? Just add it to the .fetch().

const router = Router()

// here we receive the 2nd argument
router.get('*', (request, context) => { // 'bar'

// send a 2nd argument to the fetch
await router.fetch(request, { foo: 'bar' })

You don't have to build a Response in every handler.

A router.fetch() can return anything at all, so why not format at the very end? We've made that easy with our response helpers, which will safely ignore existing Responses.

import { Router, json } from 'itty-router'

const router = Router()

  .get('/text', () => text('Hello!')) // <-- manual Response type
  .get('/json', () => [1,2,3])
  .get('/numbers', () => 15)
  .get('/promises-to-data', () => Promise.resolve({ foo: 'bar' }))

const response = await router
                        .then(json) // <-- format any non-Responses here
import { Router, json } from 'itty-router'

const router = Router({
  finally: [json] // <-- runs after matching

  .get('/text', () => text('Hello!')) // <-- manual Response type
  .get('/json', () => [1,2,3])
  .get('/numbers', () => 15)
  .get('/promises-to-data', () => Promise.resolve({ foo: 'bar' }))

const response = await router.fetch(request)

There's no magic1.

Itty is, at its core, a linear flow that you control 100%. There's no magic here.

  • Want routes to connect before other routes? List them first.
  • Want to speed things up? Nest your routing.
  • Want more things available to your handlers? Send them to .fetch().
  • Want to return something other than a Response? Go for it.
  • Want to break out of deep code? Throw a StatusError.

If there's something you don't understand, ask us on Discord! We'll do our best to help you, and then make sure we document it properly here for others!

1: Except for the Proxy dark-magic that makes itty so small. That doesn't count.