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IttyRouter - itty-router new in v5

Bundle Size

This is the original router; the smallest and least-feature rich one. It will naturally have the highest performance simply from the lack of stages introduced in Router. That said, to modify the response after a call to router.fetch requires tapping into the .then() blocks (see example).


import { IttyRouter, error, json, withParams } from 'itty-router'

const router = IttyRouter()

  .all('*', withParams)
  .get('/json', () => ({ foo: 'bar', array: [1,2,3] }))
  .get('/params/:id', ({ id }) => id)
  .all('*', () => error(404))

export default {
  fetch: (request, ...args) => 
      .fetch(request, ...args)


IttyRouter(options?: IttyRouterOptions): RouterType

basestringPrefixes all routes with this string. For example, Router({ base: '/docs' }) would prefix all route matches with /docs.
routes advancedArray of RouteEntryArray of manual routes for preloading
...otheranyAny other object attributes that don't conflict with methods will be embedded in the final Router object. This is useful for attaching additional information to the router for exporting. For example: Router({ port: 3001 }) could be used to control the port in a Bun setup.